Canada Moves Forward on Employee Ownership

The Trudeau government has proposed a new budget that contains an important provision to look at ways for Canada to set up employee ownership trusts following the models of US ESOPs and UK Employee Ownership Trusts.

Candidate for Colorado Governor: Announcement at Employee-Owned Company

Saying "Our challenge as a state is we need an economy that works for everybody, and I think making sure that workers and employees can share in the success of their companies - not just the CEOs and investors - is an important part of making Colorado work for everyone," Jared Polis announced tha

Canned Plan ESOPs

Does your ESOP come from a box? It's possible to buy a "standard" ESOP plan from developers of such documents, fill in the blanks, and send it off to the IRS.

Capital Ownership Group Receives Ford Grant

The Capital Ownership Group (COG) has received a $100,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to create an international network of individuals and organizations interested in proposing and commenting on policy ideas to promote employee ownership.

Caps on Employer Stock in Plans Appear Dead

One legislative outcome is now very clear: there will not be caps on the amount of employer stock in 401(k) plans or KSOPs, nor will employer matches of company stock receive a lower tax deduction. Proposals along these lines are receiving little support.