Certificate for Non-Professional Fiduciaries: September 11-12 in Ohio

The Beyster Institute at UC San Diego will host its popular training program for ESOP trustees and other fiduciaries for the first time outside of California. The program, which will be hosted by the Ohio Employee Ownership Center at Kent State University, will cover:

Certified EO Launches Shop EO

Our friends at Certified EO have launched a new tool to help consumers support employee-owned businesses.

Certified Equity Professional Institute Announces New Executive Director

Dee Crosby is the new executive director of the Certified Equity Professional Institute (CEPI) at Santa Clara University. Dee has been on staff at CEPI since 2004. Before moving to Santa Clara, she worked in engineering management for several Silicon Valley companies.

Chair Nominee Could Change SEC Direction on Options

Christopher Cox (R-CA), President Bush's nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was a cosponsor of the "Broad-Based Stock Option Plan Transparency Act," a bill that would limit options expensing to the top five officers of a company.

Changes in 401(k) Plans Could Affect Employee Ownership

Legislation before the House Ways and Means Committee, considered likely to pass, would eliminate anti-discrimination provisions of Section 401(k) plans. Currently, the amount high-income people can contribute is limited by how much lower-paid workers contribute.

Changing a Company Culture at Onex Inc.

Change is hard even when it's necessary. Just because you have “always done it that way” doesn’t mean it is the right way or even works very well. Sometimes you need to reflect and do a gut check. Does this feel good?  Am I getting the value I need or want from the effort?