Chinese Delegation to Visit U.S.

A group of high-ranking Chinese officials from the state privatization council will visit the U.S. in July to learn more about employee ownership.

Chinese Leadership Endorses Employee Ownership

In the Chinese version of the State of the Union address, China's premier Li Peng has given his approval for reforms of state-run enterprises, including allowing employees to own stock in their companies.

CHIPS Act Adds Employee Ownership to Manufacturing and Innovation Training Programs

Congress has passed HR 4346, the CHIPS Act (previously called the America Competes Act), which now heads to the President for signature. The bipartisan bill is primarily designed to make it easier for American chip and other technology manufacturers to compete worldwide, but it also contains a pilot provision (Section 25B) that directs Manufacturing Extension Programs (MEPs) to provide awards for a variety of worker education and training programs, including employee ownership.

Chobani Makes Headlines with Stock Grant

On April 26, the yogurt maker Chobani announced that members of its 2,000-person workforce would be receiving an ownership stake worth around 10% of the company.

Churchill on Employee Ownership

In Winston Churchill's maiden political speech in 1897 at Claverton Manor, he said he believed, and hoped, that "the labourer will become, as it were, a shareholder in the business in which he works." Churchill was excoriating both liberals and conservatives at the time, suggesting alternative ap

Cisco Proposes Market Test for Options Value

Cisco Systems has proposed issuing a special security that would mimic employee stock options as a way to create a market-based valuation of the awards. Cisco has presented the idea to the Securities and Exchange Commission. SEC Chair William Donaldson has expressed interest in the idea.

Clarification on the Recent IRS Press Release

Our friends at the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America (or ESCA) have reported that they've had constructive dialogue with the IRS regarding their recent press release on ESOPs