Cooperative Home Care Associates

The largest worker cooperative in the United States is Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA) of New York, employing 2,300 home health care workers.

Corporate Disclosure by Publicly Traded ESOP Companies

Francesco Bova, an assistant professor of accounting at the University of Toronto and a Kelso Fellow for research in employee ownership, drew on lists provided by the NCEO to track the disclosure practices of 279 public companies with varying degrees of employee ownership.


NCEO members recently received the January-February 2016 newsletter. The cover story on current trends in ESOPs incorrectly stated the value of plan assets. Total plan assets as of the end of 2013 are $1.2 trillion, not $1.2 billion.


In the November-December issue of the Employee Ownership Report, we erroneously reported that in Pioneer Ctrs.Holding Co. EmpStock Ownership Plan & Tr. v.

Correction on Appleton Inc.

In the September-October issue of the NCEO's newsletter for members (the Employee Ownership Report), I reported that 400 steelworkers at ESOP-owned Appleton Inc. (Appleton has approximately 3,000 employees) had gone on strike.

Correction on Obama Letter on ESOPs

In the last update, we said that Senator Obama expressed qualified support for ESOPs in a recent letter to the ESOP Association. Actually, it was a letter written in 2005 to an Association member that was reprinted in a recent issue of the Association's newsletter. The error was ours.

Correction on State Taxes on S ESOP Corporations

In the last update, we incorrectly identified California as not following the federal exemption for income taxes for ESOP S corporations. In fact, California does do this, but it also levies an income tax/franchise tax at the corporate level (but not the individual level).