District Court Says LaRue Does Not Apply in ESOP Case

In Binita L. Cook et. al. v. Boyd F. Campbell, No. 2:01cv1425-ID (M.D. Ala., May 5, 2008), a district court ruled that a previously decided ESOP case could not be reopened in light of the new legal standard set out in LaRue v.

Dividends and Restricted Stock

We get a lot of questions here about all sorts of technical issues, and occasionally one stumps not just us but even some of the experts we ask.

Do ESPPs Bolster Retirement Security?

In ESPPs Can Help Insulate Retirement Savings, Sara Kelly of Plan Sponsor magazine argues that, although employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) are not retirement plans, they can

Do Your Cash Incentive Plans Work?

The NCEO is revising our book on incentive compensation plans, and we would love to hear from you about what your experiences, good and bad, have been. Any details of what has made plans succeed or fail would be much appreciated. We can keep your company's name anonymous if you prefer.

Documentary in Progress

Veteran documentary filmmakers Mark Dworkin and Melissa Young are working on a film highlighting employee ownership.