Eight Percent of Employees Had Options in 2005

According to the National Compensation Survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 8% of the work force (about 10 million employees) have "access" to stock options, defined as the right to buy stock at a fixed price for a fixed period of time.

Eighth Circuit Adopts "Net Seller" Rule in Stock-Drop Case

In Brown v. Medtronic Inc., No. 09-2524 (8th Cir., Dec. 13, 2010), a circuit court ruled that an employee who sold stock at a profit lacked standing to sue even if alleged fiduciary violations in the offering of company stock in a 401(k) plan were true.

Electricite de France Launches Major Employee Ownership Initiative

As part of its partial privatization, Electricite de France has undertaken the largest continental European employee ownership plan to date. Employees can borrow money to buy up to 15% of the stock at 10% off the share price. Employees have to hold on to their shares for five years.

Employee "Ownership" at Chrysler and GM?

As part of their efforts to recover, General Motors and Chrysler both are pursuing agreements with the UAW to provide the union with company stock to help fund retiree health-care trusts.

Employee Engagement Strongly Related to Corporate Performance

In its annual survey of employees in client companies around the world, Hewitt Associates found the largest drop in employee engagement scores it has ever recorded. The analysis reports a clear link between employee engagement levels and financial performance.

Employee Equity Investment Act Introduced in Both Houses with Bipartisan Support

Senators Chris Van Hollen and Marco Rubio and Representatives Dean Phillips and Blake Moore, have introduced the Employee Equity Investment Act (EEIA). The bill would use the Small Business Administration’s Small Business Investment Company program to provide loan guarantees for investment funds that are devoted to expanding employee ownership.

Employee Owners More Pleased With Their Financial Situation

Data from the General Social Survey from the National Opinion Research Center show that 32.1% of employees with stock or stock options in their company say they are more satisfied with their financial condition, compared to 23.1% of those without company stock.