Employee Ownership Conference Filling Up

Registrations for the April Employee Ownership Conference in Minneapolis are 60% higher than they were at this point in 2011. Those who attended last year's conference know that it set an attendance record, so the signs are excellent for this year.

Employee Ownership Conference in Atlanta

Over 1,800 people convened in Atlanta last week for the NCEO's annual employee ownership conference, setting another attendance record. The NCEO staff and board thank everyone who contributed to the event, including the wonderful volunteers, the host committee, the speakers, and the sponsors.

Employee Ownership Conference in the UK

The White Rose Employee Ownership Centre at the University of York (United Kingdom) will host a conference on April 2 and 3 featuring research and man

Employee Ownership Conference in UK

The Employee Ownership Association of the United Kingdom held its annual conference on December 3 and 4, with nearly 700 participants.

Employee Ownership Developments in Russia

It has now been four years since the completion of the mass privatization in Russia, a transformation accomplished primarily through transferring shares to employees at little or no cost.

Employee Ownership Dwindling in Technology Companies?

In Tech Companies Are Shutting Employees Out of the Stock Market's Boom on the Fortune magazine website, Joseph Blasi observes that "the percentage of employees with equity stakes in innovative industries, such as comp

Employee Ownership Effort in Bangladesh

The Institute for Integrated Rural Development, a nonprofit organization in Bangladesh, is starting a 534-employee employee-owned garment manufacturing business for poor rural women in the country.

Employee Ownership Efforts Move Forward in NJ, MO

The proposed 2024 New Jersey budget includes $6 million in funding for conversions to ESOPs and other plans, and legislation in Missouri would restore a capital gains exclusion for sellers to an ESOP.