Employee Ownership Fellowships Available

For the 2011-2012 academic year, Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations will host three sets of fellowships for doctoral students; recent Ph.D.

Employee Ownership Gains Ground in South Africa

The announcement by the South African energy giant Sasol that it is giving its 27,000 employees an estimated 4 billion Rand worth of stock (about $561 million) is the latest sign that broad-based ownership plans are gaining traction there.

Employee Ownership Growing in Europe

According to Marc Mathieu of the European Federation of Employed Shareholders, in the 2,500 largest European companies there are now 8.2 million employee owners holding 260 billion Euros ($406 billion) in assets.

Employee Ownership in China

According to some reports, employee ownership is sweeping China; according to others, it is still just an occasional experiment.

Employee Ownership in Convenience Stores

It might seem that convenience store chains are not the most likely business to find a high concentration of ESOPs. With their high turnover and dispersed locations, ESOPs might seem a challenge.