Employee Ownership on the Cover

The cover of the September issue of Business & Industry Connection asks its readers to "imagine the results when every employee is an owner." The

Employee Ownership Outside the U.S.

Employees of Société Général, one of Europe's largest financial services companies, bought newly issued shares representing 0.54% of the company's ownership.

Employee Ownership Preserves 100-Year Legacy

This year, the American Truck Historical Society awarded its first-ever 100-year award to Rieth-Riley Construction Company, which Albert Reith founded in 1916.

Employee Ownership Q&A: May/June 2019

Questions and answers on diversification, choosing an appraisal firm, cost basis of S corporation shares, using seller notes, and more.
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Employee Ownership Trusts in the News

The November 30 article Through ‘ownership trusts,’ investors can help employees become owners and owners retire on Impact Alpha's website focused on the employee ownership