Employees to Get Stake in Telecom Eireann

Telecom Eireann, the Irish telephone company, will sell employees a $400 million, 14.9% stake as part of its planned intial public offering next year. The company is being privatized, with 35% of the shares already owned by Dutch and Swedish telephone companies.

Employees to Receive Shares in UK's Royal Mail

The government of the United Kingdom announced that 150,000 employees of the Royal Mail will receive free shares when the postal service's shares go public, which is expected to happen in the next few weeks.

Employees Will Use ESOP to Buy Champion Plant

Employees of Champion International's Canton, NC, paper plant plan to use an ESOP to buy their facility. The ESOP will own 40% of the new company, with the rest owned primarily by the KPS Fund.

Employer Stock in 401(k) Plans Drops

A new, definitive study of employee investments in 401(k) plans shows that the percentage of allocations going to company stock has gradually declined from a high of 19% in 1996 to 15% in 2004. Moreover, younger workers are less likely to invest in company stock than older ones.

Employer Stock Is 19% of 401(k) Plan Assets

Employer stock in 401(k) plans held steady at 19% of total plan assets, according to a comprehensive new report of the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) and the Investment Company Institute (ICI). The EBRI/ICI study is the most comprehensive analysis of 401(k) plan investments.

EO Equals Launches Allied Partner Program

Launched in October 2021 (timed to coincide with Employee Ownership Month!), EO Equals is a research-backed national media campaign designed to expand the employee ownership movement.