EY Study Shows ESOP Participants Fare Much Better

A new study, “Contribution of S ESOPs to Participants’ Retirement Security and Employee-Owner Benefits,” prepared for the Employee-Owned S Corporations of America (

Facebook Unlocks Employee Shares

Amid media speculation about the impact of a flood of employees selling shares, Facebook shares were on a gradual decline in the days leading up to October 29, the day employee shares were to be released from lock-up.

Farewell from the NCEO's Director of Culture and Engagement

Friends and fellow members of the employee ownership community, I have an important and personal update for you: Today is my final day working for the National Center for Employee Ownership after more than ten years with this wonderful organization.

Farnum Redux

Several years ago, the Department of Labor initiated a legal action against Wardwell Braiding Company (the so-called "Farnum" case) accusing the ESOP of overpaying for the shares.

FAS 123(R) Option Assumptions: The 2007 Results

Watson Wyatt recently completed its second annual analysis of stock option valuation assumptions and results under Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (FAS) 123(R).

FAS 150 and ESOPs: Still Up in the Air

There is still no consensus on just what the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) really means by its new FAS 150, an accounting protocol effective May 2003 that requires companies to record a liability on their balance sheets for mandatorily redeemable obligations, including "puttable sto

FAS 150 and ESOPs: Still Up in the Air

There is still no firm consensus on just what the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) really means by its new FAS 150, an accounting protocol effective December 15, 2003 for closely held companies and June 15, 2003 for public companies.