FASB Indefinitely Defers Disclosures of Private Company Valuation Data

At its April 10 board meeting, the Financial Standards Advisory Board (FASB) voted to issue an exposure draft that, if approved, would indefinitely defer the adoption of disclosures of numeric values of valuation inputs for company stock in employee benefit plans.

FASB Issues New Guidance on Modification of Equity Awards

On June 8, the staff of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued clarifications on the accounting treatment of the modification of an equity instrument in conjunction with a financial restructuring.

FASB Issues New Rules Affecting Stock Options

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) announced this month (March 1997) that it would change accounting standards for the way companies calculate per-share net earnings. The new rules are effective December 15, 1997.

FASB Moves Towards Final Staff Guidance on Equity Plan Tax Effects

Perhaps the most complicated rules for expensing equity plan compensation are those concerning tax effects. Particularly troubling for many companies has been how to handle transitional issues moving from APB 25 to FAS123(R) for the "additional paid-in capital" attributable to tax effects.

FASB Proposes Option Accounting Rules

The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has, as expected, issued proposed rules stating that if a company reprices its options, they are subject to variable accounting rules, meaning that companies will have to record as an expense the difference between the new lower grant price and any