Fill Out Our ESOP Transaction Survey

Thank you to the many companies who have already filled out the first-ever ESOP transaction survey. Company responses help us answer questions no one has been able to answer before, such as:

Final 415 Regulations Contain a Few Surprises

In April, the IRS issued final regulations under Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, which places limits on annual additions to defined contribution plans. Generally, the regulations simply codify existing requirements, but they also made some changes worth noting.

Finance and Valuation at the Annual Conference

I'm hearing from a lot of our member companies that as we start getting a clearer picture of the coming post-pandemic era, their planning horizons are starting to get longer again.

Finance Committee Bill Also Makes Changes to Stock Options and ESPPs

As passed by the Senate Finance Committee, the "National Employee Savings and Trust Equity Guarantee Act" would prohibit employees from deferring taxation on stock options, restricted stock, or other equity arrangements by electing to defer any compensation until some point after the exercise of