Free Webinar on EO in the New Administration

We’re excited to introduce our Community Conversations series. These discussions, free and open to the community, will focus on a wide array of timely topics. The goal of this new series is to connect the employee ownership world more broadly while keeping our members, stakeholders, and other interested parties informed on important issues.

Free Webinar Replays

If you are curious about the NCEO's recorded Webinars on ESOP topics, you can try them for free.

French Companies with Employee-Elected Directors Perform Better

French law requires that employees who own shares in public companies be allowed to elect one director if they own at least 3% of the stock. Partially privatized companies must reserve two or three board seats regardless of employee ownership.

French Employee-Owned Companies Perform Well

A new study of worker cooperatives in France has found that these companies are as productive as or possibly more productive overall than conventional firms in most industries. The study also shows that in several industries, the cooperatives use their capital inputs more efficiently.

French Executives Give Up Options, Give Them to Employees

Under intense pressure from the public, striking workers, and Sarkozy government, the two top executives at the French utility GDF Suez have given up their stock options and instead will use the money to provide options to 8,000 individual employees and 4.4 million free shares to its 200,000 empl

French Government Renews Push for Broader Employee Ownership

Early in his administration, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed new legislation to encourage more broad-based employee ownership, but his political problems put that on hold. Now the worldwide financial crisis has given the concept new life.

French Prime Minister Wants to Democratize Stock Options

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon has announced that the government will introduce legislation to prohibit companies from providing stock options to their top executives unless they make the options widely available. Details of the legislation are not yet available.

From the New Executive Director

Thank you to all the people who have been so warm and supportive of me as I begin my tenure as the NCEO's executive director. I am thrilled and humbled by the opportunity to preserve the quality and integrity you expect from the NCEO, and I am excited to expand that range of what we offer.

Gathering of Games: September 3 to 5

The 22nd Annual Gathering of Games, a conference for companies and practitioners focused on open-book management, will take place September 3-5, 2014 in St. Louis, MO.

Gender Gap in Employee Equity Compensation

In a September 17 report, The Gap Table: Analyzing the gender gap in equity, Carta (formerly eShares) and a collection of angel investors examined the "capitalization tables," which list the owners of companies and how much they own,