GEO and NASPP Surveys on Equity Compensation Plans

The National Association of Stock Plan Professionals (NASPP) is offering its annual survey of design issues for domestic stock plans. The only way for companies to see the results of the survey is to complete the survey, which closes on April 19.

GEO Equity Survey

As announced in late 2013, the Global Equity Organization (GEO) is going live with the 2014 Global Equity Insights survey, together with its sponsors Computershare, hkp///, SAP, Siemens, and the University of Göttingen, and survey support partners WorldatWork, the Certified Equity Professional In

German Multinational Sets Up ESOP-Like Program

Continental AG, one of the world's largest tire manufacturers, has set up a broad employee stock ownership program. The program could provide a model for other German companies, including former East German companies being privatized.

German Unions Press for Employee Ownership

Until recently, continental European governments, business, and labor unions have had only minimal interest in employee ownership, but that appears to be changing.

Germany Enhances Employee Ownership Opportunities

Under prior law, German employees could receive an annual tax credit of 135 Euros on the purchase of shares in their company. Shares are typically offered at a discount, frequently 20%. The new law increases that to 360 Euros.

Get the Most Out of the Fall ESOP Forum

You can get a big picture overview of all things related to making an ESOP company work well at the Fall ESOP Forum, but most people I talk with have one aspect of ESOPs at the top of mind.

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John Case of Inc. magazine has been one of the outstanding chroniclers of the revolution taking place at work.