Google, W.L. Gore Leaders Share Keys to Employee Involvement

At the recent 2007 Great Place to Work conference, Google Director of HR Laszlo Bock reported that the company had one million job applications last year. Google was the top company on the Best 100 Companies to Work For® list.

Grant Thornton Survey Looks at Equity Plans for Broad Range of Companies

A new Grant Thornton survey of 227 organizations ranging from small businesses to large enterprises, 87% of which are for-profit corporations, found that 37% of public companies plan to increase the number of shares available for awards in 2009, 34% will make no changes, and 28% will decrease the

Grassley Bill Would Provide AMT Relief

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, has introduced legislation (S. 1831) that would provide for tax relief for incentive stock options exercised in 2000.

Grassroots EO Organization Launches: Ownership America

Jack Moriarty has announced the launch of Ownership America, a “public policy and grassroots advocacy organization founded to turn Americans into owners.” Founded by Jack Moriarty, who is now its director, Ownership America’s first efforts will focus on generating policy proposals and grassroots initiatives to help grow employee ownership.

Great Game of Business Conference April 30-May 2

Employee ownership and the Great Game of Business are natural partners. The NCEO has been working with the Great Game of Business since the early 1980s, and we strongly encourage anyone interested in making open-book management effective to attend this meeting April 30-May 2 in Saint Louis.

Great Game of Business Conference Coming Up May 4-6

The 19th Gathering of the Games will be held May 4-6 in St. Louis. I have been to all 19, and this year I have the honor of keynoting the conference. I'll be speaking on what makes a great workplace and why so many companies don't even try to become one.

Great Game of Business Meeting May 5-7

The Gathering of the Games, the annual conference on open-book management organized by the Great Game of Business, will be in Saint Louis this year from May 5-7 (May 5 is a special day for preconference sessions.) The NCEO is again cosponsoring the event.