House Passes Pension Reform Bill

On July 28, the House passed a pension reform bill approved by a House-Senate conference committee. If the bill is passed by the Senate, employee ownership plans will be affected in a number of ways, as outlined below.

House Subcommittee Approves "Super Stock Option" Bill

The Employer-Employee Relations Subcommittee of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce approved by voice vote HR 3462, the "Wealth Through the Workplace Act." The bill, introduced by John Boehner (R-OH) with bipartisan support, would create a new type of stock option that would combin

How Are You Dealing with the Downturn?

We are interested in writing brief stories about how employee ownership companies are coping with the downturn, whether you have found ways to make money anyway or have come up with strategies to deal with necessary reductions in costs, hours, or work force.

How Having an ESOP Is Helping Companies Weather the Pandemic

Our recent ESOP Topics Survey asked companies to reflect on how employee ownership is affecting their ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. The responses show some encouraging perspectives on how an ESOP and an effective culture of ownership can help companies survive and thrive in crisis.