Huawei's Phantom Plan Provides Real Ownership for 90,000 Employees

Most of the value of Huawei Technologies is owned broadly by about 90,000 employees who buy what we would call phantom stock rights. Unlike most phantom plans in the U.S., however, the shares carry a right to interim profit distributions.

Human Impact of Employee Ownership in the UK

A four-year study of 1,500 employees primarily at companies in the UK with all-employee share plans found that plan participants reported a number of positive results.

IASB Issues Draft Requiring Options Expensing

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued an initial draft proposal to require companies to account for the value of stock options. The proposal would go into effect January 1, 2004. A final version will be put out for comment later this year.

IASB Issues Equity Accounting Exposure Draft

On February 19, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued an exposure draft of its new International Financial Reporting Standard 2, Share-based Payment.

IASB Issues Exposure Draft on Options Expensing

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has an exposure draft on how companies should account for stock options and other forms of equity compensation. "ED 2 Share-based Payment " is now available for public comment. The electronic text will be available free November 18.