Midterm Elections and ESOPs

A number of supporters of ESOPs were involved in this month's elections, but three are worth noting in particular. First, the expected majority leader of the Senate will be ESOP supporter Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who beat challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes.

Miller's Health Systems on Television

A 100% employee-owned company that provides long-term care, Miller's Health Systems operates 32 rehabilitation centers, 11 assisted living facilities, and other services.

Minnesota Bill Would Provide Low-Interest Loans for Employee Ownership

HF 3733, a bill to help build community wealth in Minnesota, would create a low-interest loan program to support employee ownership, community land trusts, or cooperatives focused on providing wealth-building opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups, including people of color, women, disabled veterans, and low-income workers.

Missouri Chamber of Commerce Promotes ESOPs

Tracy King, vice president of governmental affairs of the Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry, believes that "When you sell it to your employees you see more growth than a regular business." The chamber saw the experience of Burns & McDowell, which created an ESOP to buy the company whe

Missouri Governor Vetoes Pro-ESOP Bill

On June 28, Governor Jay Nixon (D) of Missouri vetoed House Bill 2030. The bill, passed with bipartisan support, would have allowed the deferral of state capital gains taxes for qualifying sales of stock to an ESOP.