NCEO Seeks Web Designer for International Employee Ownership Web Site

Does your company have Web design expertise? Might you be interested donating some time to promote employee ownership around the world? From Australia and South Africa to the United Kingdom and the European Union, employee ownership is emerging as a rediscovered tool of national policy.

NCEO Sets Up New LinkedIn Group

Thanks to the good efforts of NCEO board member Dan Walter of Performensation Consulting, there is now a lively and fast-growing employee ownership network on LinkedIn, the NCEO Employee Stock Ownership Network.

NCEO Sponsors E*Trade's Private Company Forum

The NCEO will sponsor A Forum for Private Companies on October 27, 2011 in Palo Alto, CA. The forum is an E*TRADE Directions Event, featuring expert-led sessions on trends and risks facing fast-growing private companies.

NCEO Sponsors Ownership Thinking Conference

The fifth annual Ownership Thinking conference will take place on September 22 and 23 in the Denver, Colorado, area. The NCEO is again happy to sponsor this event and recommends it as a way for companies to learn how to build strong ownership culture with actively engaged entrepreneurs.

NCEO to Open Board Elections on January 6

NCEO members in good standing will receive an email invitation to the ballot for our 2014 election for the board of directors. The election will run through February 5, and the new directors will begin their terms during the annual conference.

NCEO to Sponsor OEOC Conference

As I wrote in a blog post from July 30, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center's conference is just around the corner. The event, scheduled for Thursday, August 20, from 8:30 a.m.