New NCEO Publication Analyzes DOL ESOP Investigations

On October 15, the NCEO released a new publication, A Guide to DOL ESOP Investigations, that provides the first comprehensive and quantitative analysis of the Department of Labor’s ESOP investigations.

New NCEO Report Looks at Equity Issues in the Downturn

A new NCEO issue brief, Equity Compensation in a Down Market: Repricing, Accounting, ESPP, and Employee Communications Issues, examines issues that arise in dealing with equity compensation plans in a down

New NCEO Study on Default Rates for ESOP Loans

Based on an analysis of 1,232 leveraged ESOP transactions at three large banks, 1.3% of ESOP companies in the sample defaulted on their loans in a way that imposed losses on their creditors for loans in effect between 2009 and 2013 (an average annual rate of 0.2%).

New NCEO Study on Participation

A new study by the NCEO has found that publicly traded companies with more than 10% employee ownership are neither more nor less likely to involve their workers in Total Quality Management (TQM) programs, work teams, mini-business units, quality circles, or other forms of participative management

New NCEO Study on Repurchase Obligation

Privately held ESOP companies must repurchase their shares from departing employees. This "repurchase obligation" can be substantial.