New Study Finds Negative Performance Effect for ESOPs in Public Firms

A new study by Mary Ducy and Zahid Igbal of Texas Southern University, and Aigbe Akhigbe of Florida Atlantic University, concludes that ESOPs have a negative effect on corporate performance in public firms, although stockholders tend to view ESOP announcements favorably.

New Study Finds Options Effective in Up and Down Markets

In "Broad-Based Stock Options Before and After the Market Meltdown," James Sesil of Rutgers and Maya Krumova of the N.Y. Institute of Technology use NCEO lists of companies with broad-based options in 1998 and 2000 to evaluate the impact of these plans on productivity.

New Study Indicates 17.7% of 401(k) Funds in Company Stock

A new study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and the Investment Company Institute shows that 17.7% of all 401(k) plan assets are invested in company stock. Not all plans offer company stock, however. In general, only publicly traded companies do so.

New Study Looks at Impact of Executive and Broad-Based Options

In "Executive and Broad-Based Stock Options: Evidence from U.S. Panel Data," James Sesil of Rutgers and Yu Peng Li of the State University of New York at Buffalo look the performance of 291 companies after the introduction of both executive and broad-based options.

New Study on "ESOPs" in Japan

A soon-to-be-published study by Takao Kato of "ESOPs" in listed companies in Japan finds that these plans now have a mean ownership of about 7% of company stock. Most listed companies have these trust-based plans (which the Japanese call ESOPs).

New Study on Exercising Stock Options

A new study by Steven Huddart at the University of Michigan and Mark Lang of the University of North Carolina concludes that employees often exercise their options early, thus failing to maximize the theoretical value of the grant.

New Study on Why Democratic ESOPs Sometimes Fail

A new study by the Ohio Employee Ownership Center indicates that employee control of companies at the board level does not account for the cases where these companies have failed.