Obituary for Robert Oakeshott in the Economist

Robert Oakeshott, the founder of the UK's Employee Ownership Association, died on June 21. His obituary appeared in the July 7 issue of the Economist (available online at this link).

Ohio Data Show ESOPs Performing Well

In a new study of 69 companies drawn from a census of Ohio ESOP companies, the Ohio Employee Ownership Center has found that 25% of the companies indicated that before the ESOP was implemented, or 10 years ago if their ESOP was older than that, their profits were better then their industry, while

Ohio Employee Ownership Conference

The Ohio Employee Ownership Center conference is in just a few days. Taking place in Akron this Friday, April 20, the conference features breakouts sessions on a range of topics and a keynote presentation by Joseph Blasi of Rutgers University.

Ohio Reduces Funding for OEOC

The State of Ohio has provided funding for the Ohio Employee Ownership Center (OEOC) at Kent State University since 1987.

Old Account of Employee Ownership at Proctor & Gamble Worth a Look

Procter & Gamble set up an employee ownership plan in 1903 that allowed employees to buy stock for a 2.5% down payment, with the rest borrowed from the company, but repaid out of profit sharing (a 12% or more "dividend" on wages available only to those buying stock).

On Changing the Format of Our Annual Conference

Thirty-nine years ago, we held our first annual conference. We had 175 attendees, including my uncle Bernie. Last year we sold out at over 1,900; this year, we were on track to sell out even sooner at over 2,000.