Policy Whitepaper on Employee Ownership

A new policy paper, Expanding Employee Ownership: Toward a Stronger American Economy, builds the case for employee ownership and proposes three rarely explored policy options for creating more of it.

Political Prospects for Employee Ownership

The new Congress and Administration will be under increased pressure to reduce employee holdings of company stock in retirement plans. Many financial advisors have been urging such restrictions in the last several weeks.

Poll Shows Support for Employee Ownership Legislation

A new online survey of 800 respondents by John Zogby Strategies for Employee-Owned S Corporations of America (ESCA) found that 62% would like their own Congressional representatives to vote for a bill that is presently before both houses of Congress that would make it easier for owners of S corpo

PPP Funds Exhausted

Update April 22: Congressional leaders and the White House announced an agreement yesterday which would, among other things, nearly double the amount available through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) by adding $320 billion in funding.

Practical Tip: The Board, the Trustee, and Valuation

ESOP company boards have a fiduciary obligation to monitor the ESOP trustee to make sure that the trustee is properly assessing the valuation process. That raises a number of questions. Should the board read the valuation report?