Retirement Plan Reform Stirs Again

Leaders in both parties have indicated they plan to move retirement plan reform bills this year. In the House, John Boehner (R-OH) will reintroduce the Republican bill he shepherded through that House last year. In the Senate, Tom Daschle (D-SD) will push a comprehensive Democratic bill (S.

Retirement Reform Bill Passes House

The House has passed H.R. 1000, the Pension Security Act of 2003. The bill would exclude all ESOPs from its requirements except ESOPs in public companies that are combined with 401(k) plans or that allow employees to buy stock through deferrals into the plan.

Retirement Reform Bills Reintroduced

Leaders in the House and Senate have moved to start the process for reforming retirement plan law again with the introduction in each chamber of legislation paralleling what passed in each House last year.

Retirement Reform in Budget Excludes ESOPs

Last year, the Presidential Panel on Federal Tax Reform proposed sweeping changes in retirement plan tax benefits. While the proposal did not specifically mention ESOPs, it appeared to eliminate all existing defined contribution plans and replace them with an Employer Retirement Savings Account.

Review of ESOP Research in Tax Notes

The NCEO's founder, Corey Rosen, published a detailed review of the evidence on ESOPs as a retirement plan in the June 22, 2015, issue of Tax Notes. The article was in response to a prior article arguing that ESOPs needed major reform to be part of the retirement system.