Second Thoughts on Floor Price Protection?

In the NCEO's new issue brief Floor Price Protection in ESOP Transactions, ESOP experts describe various approaches and issues related to providing plan participants protection against the impact of debt on stock prices after

Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta Resigns

Following controversy over his role in a plea bargain for Jeffrey Epstein, Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta offered his resignation on July 12, and President Trump announced that Patrick Pizzella would become the acting secretary.

Secretary of Labor Nominee's Book Mentions Employee Ownership

Andrew Puzder, who is nominated to be Secretary of Labor in the Trump Administration, "has left employee benefits practitioners scratching their heads about what to expect from the DOL's Employee Benefits Security Administration" in the words of Sean Forbes, a reporter for Bloomberg BNA.

Secretary of Labor on Re-proposal of Fiduciary Rule

At a hearing of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis responded to questions from many members of Congress about the agency's proposal to change the definition of a plan fiduciary.

Section 133 (the ESOP Lender Interest Exclusion) to Be Repealed

Section 133 of the Internal Revenue Code allows lenders to exclude up to 50% of the interest income they receive on loans to ESOPs owning more than 50% of a company's shares. This provision is repealed by the new bill, effective when the President signs it.

Section 133 Update

Section 133 of the Internal Revenue Code allows commercial lenders to exclude 50% of the interest income they receive from loans to majority ESOP companies that pass through full voting rights.

Section 133 Update

The ability of lenders to exclude 50% of the interest income they receive on ESOP loans remains up in the air. When Congress passed the Budget Reconciliation Act, this provision was eliminated, but President Clinton vetoed the bill and it remains in much-discussed limbo.

Section 409(A) Deferred Compensation Regulations Still on Hold

Final regulations on deferred compensation rules under Internal Revenue Code Section 409(A) still have not been issued, leading many observers to believe the rules will allow companies until the end of 2007, rather than 2006, to amend current plans to make them compliant with the new requirements

SECURE Act Changes Rules for Required Minimum Distributions

One provision in the recently enacted SECURE Act provides that required minimum distributions for former plan participants who still have accounts now do not have to start until those participants reach age 72.