Tax Reform and Employee Ownership

The NCEO has updated its special bulletin on tax reform to incorporate the impact of provisions that focus specifically on certain broad-based equity compensation programs in private companies.

Tax Reform and ESOPs

The tax reform framework issued by the Trump Administration, not surprisingly, does not say anything about ESOPs.

Tax Reform and S Corporation ESOPs

The Senate-House conference committee is expected to release the text of the compromise tax reform bill as we write this update, and a vote is expected in both chambers next week.

Tax Reform Initiatives Appear Remote

IRS Commissioner Mark Everson told the National Press Club on March 14 that tax reform is not a high priority for the Administration or Congress, and that the Administration, in particular, shows no interest in moving on the proposals set forth in the President's Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Ref

Tax Time Is Time for Errors on ESPP Tax Calculations

The taxation of employee stock purchase plans (ESPPs) is sufficiently complex that even people who know the field sometimes get confused. So imagine how hard it is for employees to figure it out.

Tech Employees Rate Shared Capitalism as Key Benefit

ComputerWorld asked 38,000 employees in the information technology field what they believe is the best benefit of working for their company. The employees all worked for the 100 companies ranked the best places to work for information technology workers.

Tech Firm Survey Finds Equity Plan Shifts

A February 2006 survey of 90 high-tech companies by Culpepper & Associates shows that 38% of the companies are cutting back on who is eligible for equity-based pay, 3% are expanding eligibility to lower levels, and 59% are keeping their existing penetration.