The Plan Sponsor Council of America Opens Survey on DC Plans

The PSCA 56th annual survey on employer-sponsored defined contribution (DC) plans closes on May 3. The survey focuses heavily on investment options and participation rates. People who complete the survey questionnaire receive a free copy of the results.

The Pope and Employee Ownership

In his new encyclical, Caritats in Veritate, Pope Benedict states that "alongside profit-oriented private enterprise and the various types of public enterprise, there must be room for commercial entities based on mutualist principles and pursuing social ends to take root and express themse

The Power of Ten

ESOP companies perform substantially better when they get their employees involved in making decisions about everyday work issues. When a lot of people are coming up with a lot of ideas, the impact on the bottom line can be dramatic.

The Road Ahead for S Corporation ESOPs

With the new tax law making it possible for S corporations to have ESOPs as owners, many C corporations with ESOPs are considering switching to S status.

The Santa Clara University CEPI's New Executive Director Is Alex Florea

The Certified Equity Professional Institute (CEPI) at Santa Clara University announced that it has hired its new executive director. Alex Florea's first day was yesterday, June 14. Alex has over 20 years of experience with business services, accounting, and equity compensation specifically.

The State of Employee Ownership in Europe

On March 31, the European Federation of Employee Share Ownership (EFES) reported on the state of employee ownership in Europe in 2020 in its annual report on employee ownership in European countries. Author Marc Mathieu notes that “the upward trend in the number of employee shareholders continues,” but also that it may be in danger in Europe as it becomes “less and less democratic.”