The State of the NCEO

Shortly after the end of each year, the NCEO staff and board review the organization’s performance, accomplishments, and challenges. As the secretary of the board of directors, I am writing to keep you, the members of the NCEO, informed about your organization. I wrote last year that the NCEO is a stable, strong, and growing organization with diverse activities, effective and committed staff, and robust financial resources, and that is still the case.
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The State of Worker Cooperatives 2019

On January 29, the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives and the Democracy at Work Institute released their annual report on the state of worker cooperatives in the U.S.

The Trump Administration's Labor Department

[Update on December 9: The Trump transition team announced one of the candidates in our original story, Andrew Puzder, as the nominee for Secretary of Labor.

The Year 2014 in the United Kingdom

In his retrospective on 2014, the UK Employee Ownership Association's Iain Hasdell noted that the number of employee-owned businesses in the UK increased by 9% during 2014, and the sector now is roughly the same size as the U

The Year in Employee Ownership

It seems that you can't be any kind of publication and not have a year-end review, often in the form of top ten lists. Not wanting to violate important traditions, here is my list of the top ten developments in employee ownership for the year.