They Never Paid Me What They Owed Me!

Not surprisingly, the economic difficulties we are facing have resulted in a significant increase in the number of often desperate calls we get from people who say they never got their ESOP distributions or, less often, the equity rights they were promised—or, if they got them, they were not what

Things Not to Do in an ESOP

We have just started work on a book of things not to do in an ESOP. We'll be covering a whole range of bad choices, from the imprudent to the ill-considered to the illegal, in each case basing a general principle on one or more brief case histories (often anonymous).

Time Article Highlights Employee Ownership Success

The April 8 issue of Time features a story titled "We're All the Boss," highlighting how "giving workers stock helps a firm only if it also gives them a say." The story reflects NCEO research on the impact of employee ownership on employee and corporate success with employee ownership.