Training for Internal Fiduciaries

The Beyster Institute at UC San Diego's Rady School of Business will hold its Certificate Program for Non-Professional Fiduciaries on February 9 to 12.

Transfers to Grantor Trusts Maintain QRP Status

In PLR 200709011 and PLR 20079012, the IRS ruled that the transfer of qualified replacement property (in the context of a Section 1042 ESOP transaction) to a grantor retained annuity trust (GRAT) does not constitute a disposition of the QRP.

Travelers Group Sets Up Unique Stock Option/401(k) Plan

The Travelers Group, a financial services company that includes Travelers/Aetna Insurance, Smith Barney, Commercial Credit, and other businesses, will make annual contributions of stock options equal to 10% of pay to all employees participating in its 401(k) plan.

Trends in ESOP Transactions

The NCEO used data from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) to estimate trends in the number of new ESOPs created from 2007 and 2011, as well as the average value of stock purchased per transaction.

Tribune Company Bankruptcy and the ESOP

The Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing by the Tribune Company will have only a nominal effect on employee retirement benefits. The ESOP was formed in 2007 as a new plan (a prior ESOP was cashed out as part of the transaction). No existing employee funds were used to help fund the plan.

Tribune Company to Drop ESOP

The ill-fated ESOP at the Tribune Company will be terminated and replaced with a new 401(k) plan with a 4% match for employee contributions of up to 6% of pay. The company also said it will institute a profit-sharing plan.