Tribune Deal Faces Challenges

The proposed buyout of the Tribune Company by an ESOP and Sam Zell could possibly be derailed if certain credit covenants are not met. A stipulation in the credit agreement requires that the ratio of indebtedness to the trailing four quarters of EBITDA cannot exceed 9 to 1.

Trinidad Looking at Ownership Legislation

According to Hubert Alleyne of the International Communications Network, Trinidad is now considering legislation to encourage employee ownership. Alleyne previously worked for the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago, a pioneer in employee ownership in Trinidad.

Trustee Litigation Risks in Ongoing ESOPs Are Very Low

A new NCEO analysis of ESOP litigation in closely held companies over the last 10 years shows that of 74 lawsuits involving trustees, 54 were for issues dealing with a transaction. The data suggest that the risks of being a trustee in an ESOP with a high-quality team of advisors and a good third-party administrator are extremely low.

TWA Bankruptcy Agreement Approved; Employee Ownership Drops to 30%

TWA, which continues to advertise itself as "employee owned," has received approval for a Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization that it and its unions believe will lead to a recovery. As part of the agreement, however, employee ownership will drop from 45% to 30%.

Twelve Minutes

That is about as much time as you could buy with an employee ownership lawyer at the cost of a $90 NCEO introductory membership.

Twenty-Nine Percent of Companies May Have Backdated Options

According to a new study by Eric Lie and Randall Heron, 29.2% of companies issuing options to executives and/or directors between 1996 and 2002 have grant date patterns that suggest backdating or other manipulative practices (such as "spring-loading," the announcement of a grant before good news