Two Observations from CEOs About Leading in the Pandemic

One of the perks of my job is that I get to talk a lot with people from employee-owned companies, and I have noticed two themes in my conversations with CEOs around the country in recent weeks: tolerance for uncertainty has almost disappeared, and disruptive times are fertile grounds for investments in training and leadership development. The NCEO is hosting an innovative CEO networking roundtable.

Two Ownership Culture Ideas You Can Borrow

At the NCEO, we talk with a lot of people from a lot of creative companies. Here are two of the thought-provoking ideas we’ve heard in the last few weeks. Please borrow and adapt these ideas – and let us know what you do with them!

U.S. Ranks 19 out of 150 in Retirement Security

According to research by Natixis Global Asset Management, the United States ranks in the top 25 for global retirement security, based on financial resources, but also on health and qual

U.S. Senator Says Link Employee Ownership to Government Aid

Only a handful of people in Congress have actually worked for an ESOP company, but Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is one of them. In an interview with Urban Milwaukee on July 3, Johnson suggested linking government assistance to employee ownership.