UK Labour Party Unveils Employee Ownership Initiatives

The Conservative Cameron government in the United Kingdom has created a series of new incentives for broad-based employee ownership, including incentives for companies and business owners to use an ESOP-like mechanism to transfer ownership to employees in closely held companies.

UK Report Urges Pro-Employee Ownership Policies

Following an extensive data-collection process, the UK's Employee Ownership Association released a report titled The Ownership Dividend, which found that employee ownership benefits employees, individual businesses, and the economy as

UK Starts Down Path of Privatizing Public Service to Cooperatives

The new Cameron government has followed up on its pledge to privatize public services through what the British call "mutuals" (we would call them cooperatives). The first wave of 12 so-called "Pathfinder Mutuals" will act as a pilot for an envisioned much larger program.

UK Stock Options Incentives Set to Pass

According to the Employee Share Ownership Centre in London, the Blair government has introduced legislation that would expand the existing Enterprise Management Incentive plan.

UK Think Tank Advocates Changes in Employee Ownership Law

In a new paper, Capital Gains: Broadening Company Ownership in the UK Economy, Matthew Lawrence and Nigel Mason of the IPPR Commission on Economic Justice propose broad policy proposals to share the benefits of capi

UK to Celebrate Employee Ownership Day

In recognition of the flurry of employee ownership activity in the UK, in terms of both legislation and new business, the UK's Employment Relations and Consumer Minister Jo Swinson announced that July 4 will be Employee Ownership Day.