USAir, Unions Give Up on Concessions

Efforts to trade concessions for ownership at USAir have broken off. Both sides say they are too far apart to reach agreement and will not revisit the issue until contracts expire in 1997.

Using Compensation Surveys Wisely in ESOP Companies

One of the trickiest issues for ESOPs is how to balance executive equity incentives with an ESOP. The problem has become more complicated as more ESOPs become 100% owned by the plan.

Using Employee Ownership to Recruit New Employees

Businesses across the country are struggling to find, hire, and retain the employees they need, so this finding from the General Social Survey (reported on in our blog) should be w

Using Skill Assessments to Improve Ownership Culture

At an NCEO Innovative Communication Coalition network meeting on July 18, communication team leaders from a number of NCEO member companies discussed how they use skill assessments.

Value of Stock Options Grants Declines

A new survey from Watson Wyatt Worldwide found that the value of stock options (based on the Black-Scholes formula) dropped 71% between 2001 (its peak) and 2005, falling from $137 billion to $40 billion. The value of options declined 32% just from 2004 to 2005.