Integrating your EO Committee into a Broader Ownership Culture Strategy

An Employee Ownership Committee provides an exciting opportunity for employee-owners to improve their individual and company performance, inform others about the ESOP, and maintain and strengthen company culture. This webinar will discuss the effective chartering of your committee, the importance of support from the senior leadership team, and how your company can integrate and align your EO committee with other company initiatives and strategies
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Investing the 1042 Rollover

This panel will help attendees understand the significant requirements that a business owner must fulfill before being able to take advantage of the tax deferral options offered by IRC Section 1042.
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Is an ESOP Right for You?

There are several paths you can take to transition the ownership of your business. This session will evaluate employee ownership and if selling your business to an Employee Stock Ownership Plan is right for you.
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Is It Time to Update Your Executive Compensation Study?

Competitive executive compensation is necessary to retain and recruit the executive talent you need to lead your ESOP-owned company. A compensation study will give you insight into competitive market practices.  What does an executive compensation study entail? How often should you conduct a study? What data sources do you consider and why?
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Last-Minute EO Month Activities

Employee Ownership Month will be upon us shortly, but it's not too late to celebrate. Whether you haven't thought about any planning or have your whole month outlined and ready to go, this interactive session will leave you with plenty of high-value, low-effort ideas. This session will be broken into small group discussions led by members of the Innovative Communication Coalition (ICC) leadership team and NCEO staff. Come prepared to participate and share your ideas, too!
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Lead Like a Human: A Guide for Fostering Ownership Mentality

Since the turn of the millenium, the workforce has changed drastically. New generations have brought a shift in values with them—ranking cultural values far more important than compensation and benefits. In this session, author and Emplify Chief People Officer and Co-founder, Adam Weber, shares practical solutions for people leaders at ESOPs.
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Lessons from Recent Litigation

Discussion of the lessons all ESOP-owned companies, fiduciaries, and advisors should be focusing on in 2021.
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