S Corporations and ESOPs

Corporate structures, like almost everything else in the business environment, has pros and cons. The S Corporation structure possess unique attributes and rules of its own. Join this webinar to learn more!
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Selling an ESOP Company

Discuss the process and complexities associated with selling an ESOP company
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Selling an ESOP Owned Company

The sale of an ESOP company has unique complexities that need to be accounted for to ensure a successful outcome.
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Selling Your Company to an ESOP

Join this session to discuss a common but rarely discussed ESOP option - selling your business to an already established ESOP. 
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Stewardship and Employee Ownership Culture

The webinar will provide an overview of the concept of stewardship and how the constructs of stewardship are important to employee ownership culture.  
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Strategies to Manage Repurchase Obligation

Managing repurchase obligation is not a “set it and forget it” endeavor. It requires monitoring, planning, and an understanding of strategies available to your Company. This session will cover strategies and available options to help manage repurchase obligation.
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