AGM's No-Layoff Policy

Long-time ESOP company AGM Container Controls has a 13-point policy to prevent layoffs.

AICPA Revises Its Publication on Valuing Stock in Private Companies

The American Institute of CPAs is revising its publication Valuation of Privately Held Company Equity Securities Issued as Compensation. It is seeking input on the chapter on valuing closely held securities; comments should be provided by October 1, 2012.

Alert: Spoof email claiming to be from NCEO

Several of our member reported receiving an email this morning from a sending called "Web Cargo" claiming to be the NCEO. This is not from us. The email has the header "NCEO Update / Delivery No. 7481366," and the send-from email address is not an address.

Alexander Acosta Confirmed as Secretary of Labor

On April 27, the Senate confirmed Alexander Acosta as the new Secretary of Labor, following a 100-day vacancy. Little is known about Secretary Acosta's views on employee ownership or ESOPs, but quick action is unlikely.

Almost One in Eight of the Largest Private Companies Is Employee-Owned

Twenty-five of the largest private companies as ranked by Forbes are employee-owned. There are 219 companies on the list, each with $2 billion in sales or more. Twenty-one of these have ESOPs, two have profit sharing plans that work like ESOPs, one is owned by a trust for employees, and one provides phantom stock to all employees.

American Benefits Council Urges 50% Expansion in Broad-Based Ownership

The American Benefits Council (ABC), an employee benefits organization primarily for larger employers, has set as a policy goal that by 2014 there will be "a 50% increase in the number of employees who receive stock in broad-based stock options plans, stock purchase plans, and employee restricted