Americans Under 35 Move Away from Stocks

About one in three Americans aged 18 to 34 said that they plan to transfer investments out of stock and into money market and savings accounts, saying that they expect to "sit on the sidelines" in the next six months. By contrast, only 11% of older Americans expect to do the same.

An Employee Ownership Version of the Gig Economy

Uber and Lyft are the best known companies in the so-called "gig economy," in which work is done by independent contractors on a job-by-job basis and mediated by mobile technology.

An ESOP for Dow Jones?

Ron Burkle of Yucaipa Capital and Brad Greenspan, an Internet entrepreneur, are proposing to buy the Dow Jones Company, publisher of the Wall Street Journal, using an ESOP as part of the transaction.

An Inspiring Story from the Front Line

Ashleigh Walters, the president of Onex, Inc., will detail the story from her new book Leading with Grit and Grace at two upcoming NCEO events.

An Update to the Community: Why the Fall Forum Will Be Fully Virtual

As you've probably heard by now, our 2021 Fall ESOP Forum will now be exclusively an online event. While this news is disappointing to all of us who were eager to reunite with the ESOP community in person, we’re very excited for the Forum’s virtual shift and all the ways we’ll connect in our online format.