Communicating to Increase Engagement

NCEO members involved in internal communication and education can meet with their peers by joining the Innovative Communication Coalition. The purpose of this coalition is for participants to put their heads together to create and share communication initiatives, activities, and projects that make employee ownership stronger.

This group will focus on ideas to build engagement and strengthen ownership culture, with the goal to create a repository of ideas that can be shared with other NCEO members. The focus will be on topics such as celebrations, leveraging EO for recruiting and onboarding, maximizing the effectiveness of required communications and determining the best way to explain how stock valuation works (in addition to other topics the Coalition members decide to pursue).

Collaborative Environment

The Innovative Communication Coalition was started by NCEO members, and its meetings are intended for members from ESOP companies looking to educate, inform, and engage their employee-owners. Topics will be determined jointly by the NCEO and group members to ensure meetings address relevant company needs.

"Being a part of this group and hearing and reading their thoughts and comments has truly been fun and very educational. I thought I knew about ESOPs but I find myself learning from this group and enjoying the information exchange and  I encourage others to join us and learn in order to pass on these ideas and lessons to our fellow employee-owners."
- Jesse De Leon, Human Resources Director, Polyguard Products

The NCEO supports this group by providing a virtual meeting venue, and communications support and using the group’s output to create a repository of high-quality templates. The coalition can also meet in person during the NCEO’s annual conference and Fall ESOP Forum.

2024 Schedule

All meetings will take place online from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm PT | 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET

  • August 8th, 2024
  • October 3rd, 2024
  • December 5th, 2024

This group is a benefit of NCEO membership; active membership is required to join. Not an NCEO member? Join today to receive this among other benefits.

Have additional questions? Please reach out to NCEO Director of Education Lindsay Isaac for additional information. 

Let's Get Started!

Are you ready to join the Innovative Communication Coalition? Complete the interest form below to get started!  If you would like to talk with NCEO staff or a company member of the coalition, just let us know; coalition members are enthusiastic and happy to talk to you!


Our sincere thanks to the leadership group of the Innovative Communications Coalition: Lori Atone (TVF), Charita Bush (KTA), Cathy Maddox (Commonwealth Electric), Renée Mundell (Radian Research), Colin Potter (Mower Agency), and Elizabeth Smith (Black & Veatch).

“I believe the communications coalition is valuable because communication is the most important effort and requirement we all must deliver.  And with all the valiant, diligent efforts put forth to provide exceptional communication, communication consistently stands as the greatest area in need of improvement.  This coalition comes together with employee ownership as the common theme to share the “what worked well,” “what bombed,” “what should I be sharing," and "just don’t know what I don’t know.”  We collaborate and brainstorm to create the informed, positive employee ownership experience we are all striving to provide.”
- Renée Mundell, Manager – Customer Service & Support, Radian Research, Inc.

You can also listen to The ESOP Podcast's Mini-Podcast 228 from May 12, 2023, in which Bret Keisling interviews ICC leadership group member Lori Atone.