ESOP Database 2025 - Manufacturing
This list includes information about all ESOPs in the manufacturing industry, drawing on companies' Form 5500 filings and additional research by the NCEO. It is provided as a .xlsx spreadsheet and includes a codebook describing the fields. Each row corresponds to an ESOP and each column contains information about that plan.
Fields in the database include:
Descriptive plan and company data fields from plan year 2023 Form 5500 filings (or the most recent available filing before 2023):
- Sponsor company name
- DBA name of the sponsor company where applicable
- Sponsor street address
- Sponsor industry (six-digit NAICS code, sector name, and detailed industry name)
- Date of ESOP creation
- Number of participants (active and total)
- Total plan assets amount
- Plan employer securities amount
- Plan contributions
- Plan distributions
- S or C corporation indicator
- KSOP indicator
- Collectively bargained plan indicator
- Leveraged/non-leveraged ESOP indicator
Additional fields:
- Percentage ESOP ownership where available
- Company website URL where available
- Indicator for publicly traded companies, including cases where the ESOP company is a subsidiary of a public company
- Following DOL standard practices, the database excludes plans covering only one participant. We also exclude terminated plans.
Download a sample of the data here.
For questions about the ESOP database or any NCEO research, contact