About the Webinar

Have a question about employee ownership or want to get to know NCEO staff? Drop by NCEO Office Hours on Thursday, August 31, from 11:00 AM–12:00 PM PT | 2:00–3:00 PM ET

Hurdles and obstacles will arise in the ever-evolving landscape of life and work. But guess what? They are simply stepping stones to your success! Our open Office Hours provide you with a unique platform to:

🤝 Connect: Forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals who share your passion for growth and development. Collaborate, brainstorm, and harness the collective wisdom of a diverse community.

🧠 Innovate: Break free from the shackles of conventional thinking! Engage in dynamic discussions that challenge your perspectives and ignite your creativity. Uncover innovative solutions that can transform your challenges into opportunities.

🗓️ Customize Your Experience: Your journey is unique, and so are your obstacles. Whether seeking guidance on personal growth, professional endeavors, or both, our Office Hours offer tailored solutions to your needs.


Timothy Garbinsky is the communications director at the NCEO. In his role, Tim works with volunteers, allied organizations, and the press to creatively and effectively disseminate information about employee ownership and advance the NCEO's mission. He earned his BA from Duke University in 2009 and has since worked as a content creator and an educator, skills which he transfers to the NCEO. Originally from the D.C. metropolitan area, Tim now lives in Modesto, CA with his fiancee.

As the communications associate at the NCEO, Madelyn works closely with the communications director to raise awareness about employee ownership and further the NCEO’s mission. She earned her BA and MA from DePaul University in 2018 and 2020, respectively, and has since garnered marketing experience in a wide variety of industries, from investment banking to e-mobility.

A Midwesterner at heart, Madelyn has lived in the Chicagoland area for almost her entire life. In her free time, Madelyn enjoys reading, watching horror films with her husband, practicing her makeup application skills, and running around the dog park with her poodle/husky mix, Koda.

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