Where Would You Like the 2013 Conference to Be?

We are now considering Seattle, Los Angeles (probably the Hollywood area), and San Francisco for the 2013 conference. Los Angeles and Seattle would offer about the same hotel prices; San Francisco would be about 15% higher. Where would you like it to be?

Reminder on Ownership Thinking Conference

As it has in the past three years, the NCEO will sponsor the 4th annual Ownership Thinking Conference, to be held in the Denver area on September 16 and 17.

Examiner Finds Tribune Solvency Opinion in ESOP Transaction May Involve Fraud

Kenneth Klee, a special examiner for the Delaware bankruptcy court dealing with the Tribune Company's bankruptcy, has concluded that "it is highly likely that Tribune, and reasonably likely that the Guarantor Subsidiaries, were rendered insolvent and without adequate capital as a result of the cl

Will the New Executive Compensation Rules Matter?

The financial reform legislation requires non-binding shareholder votes on executive pay; more stringent rules for the independence of compensation consultants; the expansion of existing stock exchange rules prohibiting brokers from voting uninstructed shares held in street names on some issues t

Have a "Don't Do That Story" for Equity Compensation?

Despite, or perhaps because of, the extensive regulations surrounding equity compensation, wherever industry professionals gather, it only takes lifting your ear to hear exciting and scary stories of ill-planned transactions, poorly designed awards, unexpected tax consequences, frustrating accoun

New Web Site Rates Defined Contribution Plans Versus Peers

BrightScope.com is a potentially very useful Web site that ranks defined contribution plans in most companies filing Department of Labor Form 5500 reports, although some smaller plans are not yet included. The site went online in 2009.

How Many ESOP "Sweet Spot" Companies Are There?

People working on employee ownership often ask us how many companies fit the "sweet spot" for an ESOP. The size when an ESOP is most likely to be appropriate is, broadly speaking, between 20 and 1,000 employees.

Royal Mail Employees to Get a Share of Company

The new British government plans to privatize part or all of the country's Royal Mail Service in the fall. The plan calls for employees to own part of the company under a share ownership trust.

Academic Interest in Employee Ownership Blossoms

Thanks to the efforts of the Foundation for Enterprise Development, the Beyster Institute at the Rady School of Management, Professor Joseph Blasi at Rutgers, and the Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations, academic interest in employee ownership is finally coming of age after a long pe

Article Explores Top Five Trends in Equity Compensation

Matt Simon of myStockOptions.com has published a useful article on the five top trends in equity compensation over the last decade. The Web site, which helps people figure out how to understand and manage their equity grants, is now 10 years old.