Employee Ownership Fellowships Available

For the 2011-2012 academic year, Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations will host three sets of fellowships for doctoral students; recent Ph.D.

Winning Workplaces Self-Nominations Now Available

Over the last few years, one-third of the winners of the Winning Workplaces awards have gone to NCEO members and employee ownership companies (all the winning employee ownership companies have been members, it turns out). The process for self-nomination is open again.

New Staff Position Opening at NCEO

We are very pleased to announce that the NCEO will be growing by adding a new staff position sometime this spring. We are looking for someone who can do research, writing, and project management. Good presentation skills would be a plus.

New Data on Employee Ownership in Large Public Companies

The NCEO has published its annual update of employee ownership in large public companies, the most detailed analysis of its kind. Of the companies included in the Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500 index of the largest U.S.

Dividends and Restricted Stock

We get a lot of questions here about all sorts of technical issues, and occasionally one stumps not just us but even some of the experts we ask.

New ISS Guidelines on Equity Plans

Institutional Shareowner Services (ISS), which provides widely followed advice to institutional investors on corporate governance matters, has issued its 2011 policy guidelines, including a new policy encouraging companies to hold annual say-on-pay votes for management.

ESOPs and Kaizen

We have heard of more ESOP companies using "kaizen" management. It can be a great fit for employee ownership companies. For those of you who have been afraid to ask just what someone means by this at the latest cocktail party you attended, here is a brief explanation:

IRS Says No Changes in Plan Limits for 2011

The IRS has announced that there was not enough inflation to trigger changes in the various limits on annual contributions and annual additions in defined contribution plans, and that definitions for highly compensated employees and the amount over which ESOP distributions can be paid out in more

New Site for Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans

Many companies with qualified retirement plans, including ESOPs, have nonqualified retirement plans for certain employees as well, usually because the contribution limits for qualified plans may exclude some of their compensation.

IRS Says Option Exercises Causing 401(k) Errors

Monika Templeton, director of employee plans examination, told an IRS phone forum that about half of all 401(k) plans that have been audited have errors in calculating compensation and that stock option and ESPP exercises cause one of the most common problems.