Labor Relations Board Clarifies Employee Involvement Rules

In the early 1990s, the National Labor Relations Board issued a series of rulings, most notably in the Electromation case, that created concerns that employee involvement programs could be construed under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) as illegal company-dominated unions.

Large Companies Reducing Option Grants

A study by Bear Stearns has found that S&P 500 companies granted 20% fewer options in number and 22% less in value in 2005, while NASDAQ 100 companies reduced the number of options by 14% and the value by 16%.

Large Settlements Reached in Two 401(k) Cases

Two of the largest settlement agreements to date have been reached in employee class action suits concerning company stock in their 401(k) plans. Kmart agreed to a $115 million settlement with its employees over declines in its stock price.

Last Chance for ESOP Executive Compensation Survey

The NCEO is currently conducting a survey on executive compensation in ESOP companies. Those filling out the survey will get free access to the results. The survey deadline is July 29. To fill out the survey, go to this link.

Last Chance for Repurchase Obligation Study

The NCEO's questionnaire on the scope and characteristic of ESOP companies' repurchase obligation will be closed at the close of business on Thursday, October 21.