Rutgers Employee Ownership Conference

The New York/New Jersey Center for Employee Ownership, based at Rutgers University, will host its annual employee ownership conference on October 29 in New Brunswick, NJ.

S Corporation Changes: ESOPs Allowed, but with Restrictions

Under current law, employee benefit trusts cannot own stock in an S corporation. The new law would change this, effective January 1, 1998, to allow ESOPs, profit sharing plans, stock bonus plans, and 401(k) plans to own stock in their companies.

S Corporation ESOP Bill Introduced in the House

U.S. Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) and Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO) have introduced the Savings for All Vocations Enhancement (SAVE) Act, a bill that would encourage more S corporation ESOPs by allowing sellers to get the same tax deferral available to owners of C corporations who sell to an ESOP.

S Corporation Reform May Be Added to Tax Extension Bill

A revised version of the S corporation reform legislation that was included in the tax bill that passed Congress earlier this year (and that the President vetoed) may be resurrected in a bill to extend popular tax deductions and credits now working its way through Congress.

Safran Wins Employee Ownership Awards

The 60,000-employee French aerospace, defense, and security company Safran won the 2012 grand prize for employee stock ownership from the French Fédération des Associations d'actionnaires Salariés and the compensation and benefits prize from Observatoire des Rémunérations et Avantages Sociaux for