New NCEO Estimates on the Growth of Employee Ownership

For anyone interested in employee ownership, the first question is always how many plans there are. Unfortunately, the best we can do is to provide a very rough estimate of the number of plans and participants.

New Data Show Rapid Growth of Broad-Based Stock Options

A new survey of 1,108 companies by ShareData, a provider of software to administer employee stock option plans, shows a rapid increase in the growth of plans that provide stock options to most or all employees.

Howard v. Shay: ESOP Valuation Case Takes Peculiar Turn

One of the longest-running ESOP valuation cases is Howard v. Shay. The case has now been in court for eight years and still may not be resolved. The case revolves around a terminated ESOP at Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE). PAE's principal business was real estate.

Worker Cooperatives in Europe

Worker cooperatives are a thriving sector of the European economy, albeit one that receives limited press attention.

1997 Employee Ownership Index Results

An index of publicly traded companies with more than 10% broad employee ownership outperformed all other market indexes for 1997, gaining 32.5% for the year compared to 31.0% for the S&P 500, 22.6% for the Dow, and 29.2% for the Russell 5000.

Employees to Get Stake in Telecom Eireann

Telecom Eireann, the Irish telephone company, will sell employees a $400 million, 14.9% stake as part of its planned intial public offering next year. The company is being privatized, with 35% of the shares already owned by Dutch and Swedish telephone companies.

New Study Shows Employee Ownership Companies More Stable

A new study by Margaret Blair of the Brookings Institution and Douglas Kruse and Joseph Blasi of Rutgers University shows that publicly traded companies that are at least 20% owned by employees are more organizationally stable than non-employee ownership companies.