Employee Ownership Preserves 100-Year Legacy

This year, the American Truck Historical Society awarded its first-ever 100-year award to Rieth-Riley Construction Company, which Albert Reith founded in 1916.

Media Coverage

Darren Dahl, a blog-writer at Forbes who has been focusing on employee ownership, wrote about the comparison between worker cooperatives and ESOPs in his

Coming Soon

The NCEO will begin accepting submission for speaking and sponsorship opportunities for all of our 2017 events on August 26.

New Poll Shows Bipartisan Support for Employee Ownership

A poll of 853 registered voters conducted June 27-28 by Public Policy Polling showed that 68% of those surveyed say that they "support the concept of companies being owned by their employees so that all workers share in their success." Thirteen percent oppose the idea, while 19% are unsure.

Republican Platform Supports ESOPs

On July 18, the Republican Party adopted its 2016 platform, which includes this language: "Republicans believe that the employer-employee relationship of the future will be built upon employee empowerment and workplace flexibil

Job Opening at the NCEO: Research Associate

We are hiring a research associate to support the NCEO's research projects, our employee surveys, and the effective use of our membership database. The deadline to send an application is August 12, 2016.