United's ESOP Not Likely to Be Renewed

Labor unions at United Airline have made it clear that they do not want to exchange further concessions for more stock in the company's ESOP. Company officials, meanwhile, have made it equally clear that further contributions to the ESOP are very unlikely absent these concessions.

University of Wisconsin ESOP Management Program

The University of Wisconsin's Executive Education Center's excellent "Employee Ownership Management Program" will be held October 2-4 in Madison, WI. The program offers an intensive, participative investigation of how to make employee ownership work effectively.

Unvested Options Are Marital Assets

One of the most contentious stock options issues is whether unvested options should be included in marital property in divorce settlements. In Fisher v. Fisher (Pa. No. 170, 4/25/01), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that they were.

Upcoming Events

The Beyster Institute of the University of California San Diego is hosting the Corporate Director's Exchange, which is part of the institute's program on corporate governance for ESOP comp

Upcoming Events

The 2018 Vermont Employee Ownership Conference will be June 8 from 8:30 to 5:00 in Burlington, Vermont.