How Many ESOP "Sweet Spot" Companies Are There?

People working on employee ownership often ask us how many companies fit the "sweet spot" for an ESOP. The size when an ESOP is most likely to be appropriate is, broadly speaking, between 20 and 1,000 employees.

How Many ESOPs Could There Be?

No one knows the number of companies that are reasonable candidates for ESOPs, but census data provides a place to start. According to the U.S.

How to Tell People They Own the Company

When Kris Maynard, the CEO and cofounder of Essential Ingredients, gathered employees for a celebration of the company's 15th anniversary, he had a surprise in store.

Howard Schultz and Employee Ownership

In other presidential news, Howard Schultz, the founder and former CEO of Starbucks, has gotten a lot of media attention for his possible run as an independent for President. Schultz was an early proponent of employee ownership.

Howard v. Shay: ESOP Valuation Case Takes Peculiar Turn

One of the longest-running ESOP valuation cases is Howard v. Shay. The case has now been in court for eight years and still may not be resolved. The case revolves around a terminated ESOP at Pacific Architects and Engineers (PAE). PAE's principal business was real estate.

Huawei Loses Share in U.S.

Following a new warning, this one from Paul Nakasone, the nominee to head both the National Security Agency and U.S.